Download the ULTRAWILD calculations, notes and STEM resources here:
Keen to know how I know that hippos and lions and elephants once lived where London is built? Or how I worked out the total weight of megafauna dung, 50,000 years ago? Or how I learned that we can make plastic from chicken poo, and burgers from bacteria? CLICK HERE to view or download the Notes and Extended Bibliography for Ultrawild. This document provides links for all of the maths, science and research that sit behind the inventions in Ultrawild.
Want to run awesome STEM and design classes using the eco inventions and city transforming calculations in Ultrawild? THEMES: design, engineering, science (especially physics and biology), rewilding, climate change, lateral thinking, technology, maths, creativity and imagination (and heaps more). CLICK HERE for the official Allen & Unwin Ultrawild teacher’s notes (activities are adaptable for middle-primary to upper secondary school aged students)
Curious about the physics of compost cannons? Want to check out the maths of self-replicating 3D printer birds? Dubious that waste-heat-powered flying bike launchers could blast cyclists into the sky at 1200km/h? JUST FILL IN THE PINK FORM BELOW to download the ULTRAWILD spreadsheets.